LAUTEC is now supporting the widespread development of the Turbine Twister – an innovative carnival-like blade ride that will significantly extend the operational lifespan of offshore wind farms.
Giving Turbines a New Life
By attaching theme park rollercoaster chairs onto the blades of turbines that would otherwise need to be decommissioned, these Turbine Twister attractions will extend the lifespan of offshore wind farm projects by an additional 25 years while saving millions in decommissioning costs and creating a new revenue stream.
This groundbreaking approach will not only be cost-effective, but will also be educational, offering a unique interactive experience of how wind power is produced, giving riders an up-close look at the mechanisms of the turbine as they spin along with the blades.
WindGIS for Surveying
The plan to introduce the Turbine Twister to offshore wind farms worldwide is already underway, with our WindGIS service currently being used to uncover areas with the best conditions for these wind farm amusement parks, ensuring the rides will be completely safe for use.
Fun for Everyone
Sustainability is one of our key values here at LAUTEC, so we believe that delivering multipurpose solutions in renewables is the way forward. Let’s make offshore wind power smarter and more fun for everyone!