Software Development


RebelDot is a digital product company helping businesses accelerate their journey towards digitalization and digital innovation. With over a decade of experience in providing solutions across multiple industries, they come with a solid track record within web and mobile apps. RebelDot is our trusted, strategic partner for most of our IT system development for the wind power and renewable energy industry. 

Offshore Wind Business IntelLIgence

PEAK Wind: Sea Impact

Together with PEAK Wind, we have built an online business intelligence service. Sea Impact delivers statistics on the European and global offshore wind industry that have previously not been available. Launched in March 2020, the tool is the result of a long-standing collaboration between PEAK Wind and LAUTEC.

SUBsea surveys 2.0

Bedrock Ocean Exploration

Bedrock is a technology company building new systems to provide the world with the first detailed map of our oceans. As a partner and innovator, Bedrock is receiving significant interest in collecting mission-critical seafloor data to support the sharp rise of offshore wind projects. Combining Bedrock’s technology with LAUTEC’s industry experience, we redefine the survey services for offshore wind.

Renewable Energy Regulations

Seward & Kissel LLP

We collaborate with the award-winning U.S. law firm, Seward & Kissel, to provide an overview of offshore wind development in the United States. Combining our expertise in offshore wind with their legal competence has led to a strong partnership and knowledge exchange, including virtual seminars and a series of joint articles.

Sustainable FishERY


Aquamind is dedicated to working for an economically viable and sustainable fishery. The Copenhagen-based company has a unique combination of expertise within international fishery regulations, practical fishing, and aquaculture experience, plus an extensive network across the fishing and aquaculture industry. 

By combining LAUTEC’s offshore wind industry experience with Aquamind’s insights into previous fishery/wind agreements, practical fishery know-how, and relationships with key individuals in Danish fishing organizations, we are the strongest partners to advise offshore wind developers in Danish and European waters.

Weather Forecasting


Our partnership with StormGeo is a good example of how we integrate external data sources in our Analytics dashboards. Connecting the StormGeo data feed with the data feed from our DPR module makes it easier for projects to evaluate weather windows and predict progress. Moreover, it enables operations and engineering teams to benchmark actual performance against relevant weather forecasts and actual weather.


Right Whales & Offshore Wind Development

The Right Wind project aims to develop an innovative decision support tool that will model North Atlantic right whale presence in Wind Energy Areas. The National Offshore Wind Research & Development Consortium (NOWRDC) has selected a consortium of Cornell University’s K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, the New England Aquarium, and LAUTEC US to collaborate on this project.

Right whale photo taken under NOAA permit #19674, New England Aquarium


Educational Impact

LAUTEC US works with several universities and organizations to collaborate on educational initiatives. Partnering up with Tufts University, we help graduate students complete their research on several offshore wind topics, including port and vessel logistics. Additionally, we participate in WPI’s IQP programs, hosting their students to complete research projects. We also support the University of Massachusetts with developing their offshore wind graduate program and holding guest lectures.