Hs/Tp curves

Hs/Tp Curve Simulations for Floating Operations

Our free weather downtime modeling tool, ESOX, just got better with the newly added custom Hs/Tp curve constraints for floating operations.

Hs/Tp curves are used to describe how certain wave frequencies (Tp = peak wave period) decrease the size of waves (Hs = significant wave height) that an operation can be undertaken in. 

User-Defined Curves

Floating operations in relatively small waves – but with wave frequencies close to the natural frequency (eigenfrequency) of the vessel – can make a large vessel roll from side to side. ESOX can now identify if conditions are above or below the Hs/Tp curve, using up to six user-defined curves. 

See how the newly added functionality to include custom Hs/Tp curves in the simulation of floating operations works in the video below:

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